Sunday 15 September 2013

The best cards to start your game

Hello all,

Till now TOS have been released for more than 3 months, some of the old TOP cards are no longer the best

This would be a very simple guide

New Top cards:

1. Fox Queen.
If you get this card, doesn't matter this is your first draw , second draw,... even 100th draw, this is it!! The best card all time.
[Image: 1_zps8a2c73b8.jpg]

2. 3 Enchantress
Attention: only if you get 2 of them would be a great start.
[Image: WKQ2HPJF0F3EWRKOM_zpsb44ae81c.jpg]

3. Dark Mono set
[Image: RTR6ZXLKNDLION0WAB_zpsdd1433ed.jpg]
Artemis, Loki, Baphomet, Great Schema of Dark, Isabelle
Again this time u need at least 3 of them, u must have Artemis, or Loki.

4. Paladin Set
[Image: 10_zps41e03ee8.jpg]
U must have 4 of them. Regardless rarity of the cards (doesn't matter whether its 3*, 4* or 5*)

5. Fire Mono set
Similar to Dark Mono set, but u must have Little Lotus (or Nezha 6*)+ Tyr or Hephaestus or Medea
[Image: 7_zps36b81e90.jpg]

6. Beast Set
U must have 4 of them. Regardless rarity of the cards (doesn't matter whether its 3*, 4* or 5*)
[Image: 9_zps4fd84413.jpg]

7. Water Mono set
U must have Dragon king + Poseidon or Fryer or Troy
[Image: 8_zps870b8edb.jpg]

8. Demon Bull
250% beast/ elf atk leader. Super rare and all time good and useful card.
[Image: 3_zpsc66577eb.jpg]

9. Paladin King of Earth
250% atk leader, apply for any team member. Could go through the game easily with whatever card you have.
[Image: 2_zps12b58a23.jpg]

10. Great Schema of Dark/ Light
250% beast ATK leader
[Image: 6_zps63a1b12c.jpg]

About Dragon Team
Sorry I forget Dragon team
If you draw the eternal dragons at the beginning (200% dragon atk 150 RCR) and collect some other defensive dragons, this would form a nice team as well.
However, its hard to find dragon ally.

Please note that:

Fate sisters
Defensive dragons
Great Schema Beasts

Are all farm-able. I personally do not suggest starting game with free cards


1.How to save account, and do a reset:

2. Why I need a set of cards to start game?

Because only 1 card cannot form a good team, later on you will have difficulty going through normal seal stages and time limited quests.

3.It seems like impossible to get a set of cards without purchasing diamonds at the beginning. For instance, the first draw is Artemis, second draw is baphomet, third draw is isabelle?

You can hold as many account as you can.

First you can save 20 accounts with 5* or 6* initial draw (cards like Loki, GS beasts, 5* paladins)

Collect free diamonds (now TOS are generous that they are giving away diamonds daily recently, start saving account early!)
This would include: accumulated login diamond bonus, first seal diamonds and soul stone diamonds

Draw cards during rate up! For instance, your first draw is Loki, you have collected 20 diamonds, during dark rate up 200%, and specially rate up for artemis and isabelle, try luck!

After several weeks you will have few nice account to start play

4. Do I have to purchase diamond for top start cards?

No, never.

Is there an easier way to get TOP start account?

Yes, some people are giving away free accounts. Go to Account exchange section. Senior players usually have some extra accounts with many nice cards in it. (early created account comes with 100-300+ free diamonds)    

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