Sunday 15 September 2013

Lunar_Eclipse Guide (Video and data)+ new Reward Announcement

Stage 1:

CD random, 1 or 2

Monster; HP; ATK; CD

Stage 1;
Fire Wolf; 50000; 3450; 1
Earth Wolf; 58000; 3047; 1
Light Wolf ; 54000; 3210; 1
Water Wolf ; 56000; 3348; 1
Dark Wolf ; 55000; 3387; 1

Stage 2;
Fire; 100k; 9780; 2
Earth; 150k; 8080; 2
Water; 120k; 8640; 2

Stage 3;
2 normal wolf; 250k; 50000; 2

Stage 4;
3 Wolf, Double Atk;
250k; 5000x2; 2


2 sides:
Dark Wolf (Left); 16; 500; 1
Ability: Lock all your card skill;
Defense: infinity;

Dark Wolf (Right); 20; 3000; 1
Ability: disable all your active skills that could nerf enemies;
Defense: infinity;

Lunar Eclipse; 1.5 Million; 70%Max Hp; 1

Part 3 new reward:

TOS has given new reward for players who reach the following lvl:

lv 60: Dark Prime stone
lv 80: Harpy
lv 100: 10 diamonds (already given away)
lv 150: 10 diamonds
lv 200: 15 diamonds    

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